Sunday, October 2, 2011

Deen Brothers Tailgating Chili Recipe

Made the Deen Brothers Tailgating Chili Recipe Last Night.  .....  Yummy

2 lbs ground beef
salt and pepper
1 medium onion chopped
1 small green bell pepper chopped
2 large cloves of garlic finely chopped
1/4 cup of chili powder plus more to taste  .. i used 1/2 cup
2 tsp dried oregano
1 1/.2 tsp cumin  i used more to taste
3 15 ounce cans of kidney beans drained and rinsed
1 28 can diced tomatoes
1 15 ounce can of tomato sauce
1 10 ounce bag frozen corn kernals
sour cream for serving
grated cheese for serving

Brown the ground beef seasoning with salt and pepper.  transfer to plate with paper towel using slotted spoon.
using 1 tsp of olive oil  sautee onions pepper and garlic till tender.  add chili powder, oregano and cumin and cook 1 minute.  add ground beef, tomatoes, beans and corn.  add 1 1/2 cup of water and season with salt and pepper.  simmer 30 t0 45 minutes, adding more chili powder if desired. 
serve and top with sour cream and cheese if desired.

was really good.  yummy. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Refridgerator Pickles.... Yummy

  • I totally forgot to send you the refrigerator pickle recipe. Here it is:

Thought I would share this recipe.... Yummy.  Just made a batch and cant wait till tomorrow to eat.
7 cups of cucumbers
1 cup of onion rings
1 cup of bell pepper.  I used anaheim.  yummy with a little kick
2 cups of sugar
1 cup of vinegar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp celery seed

Put cucumbers, onions, peppers in a large 1 gallon glass jar.
Mix sugar, vinegar salt and celery seed,  pour over cucumbers and
refridgerate overnight.  dont worry if the liquid doesnt cover all the
cucumbers,.  It will make its own juice.  save the liquid and add more veggies as needed.  the juice last forever.  YUMMY

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Its been a while...........

Its been a little bit so here is an update.  We are keeping Peyton at
least 3 days a week to help Chelsea out when she works.  High Maintence Little Girl she is.  Headstrong, knows what she wants and how to get it.  Our biggest complaint is no schedule.  Doesnt want to go to sleep at night and no sleep and then working 12 hours days, it gets hard after awhile.  She went home today but it was a great day.  Not much fussiness, ate good, slept good and very very happy little girl. 
Tonight, my mother in laws puppy is coming over so I can take her to work with me tomorrow.  She has to have a bladder stone surgery.  Poor baby.
Monday, I have to register Josh with the Sherwood schools here and get everything set up on that end. 

* On other notes, I have some prayer requests to send out.  My friend Rita's daughter had surgery.  Keep her in our prayers as she recovers.  My Uncle Lee is in the hospital and needs our prayers too.  I know there are others and lets all think of unspoken request.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Health Update

Update from the doctors visit.  The colonoscopy came back normal.  So thats good news but still
isnt answering the questions to all the problems I have been having.  So the next
step is to have the overall check up with blood work, heart checked etc and
then go from there.  But at least it wasnt what I thought was going on at
And it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be.  At least I passed out from
the anesthesia.  The nurse told me I wouldnt but I DID!!!!  The next thing
I remember I was waking up yanking the stuff off of me.  Get this oxygen thing
out of my nose and the blood pressure cup off my arm.  Then I went home
and took a 4 hour nap.  How nice was that.
The funniest part of the whole day was when we showed up to admissions at UAMS
there was this officer with an inmate, in handcuffs and all.  When they were finished
the inmate was all smiles.  The admissions clerk was then like my inkpen is
missing.  My mom was like he must have taken in it and was smiling because of it.
The clerk was like yeah , he was sooo creepy with that big smile,  I couldn't look at
him.  LOL.  Hopefully there wasn't some excape because he used parts of the pen
to undo his cuffs like on TV.  LOL

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July

Hope everyone is having a great and safe fourth of july this year.  we had a few folks over for a
cookout.  Pork Tenderloin, Burgers, Brats and loads of side dishes.  Think it went pretty well.  We
also bought Peyton a baby pool to play in and Josh loves it.  He had a blast in it. Hope everyone has fun tonight
viewing the fireworks.  Looks like a storm is brewing and hopefully the show will still go on.
Happy Fourth of July

Friday, June 24, 2011

Back online again!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes yes and yes.  my laptop was saved.  THANK YOU SARAH AND ANDREW.  Now whenever Chelsea comes over, I am hiding it.  she put a really bad virus on it and I couldnt fix it but yeah yeah and double yeah I have it back. 
Its Friday and I am sooo happy for my 3 day weekend.  I worked the last three saturdays and so ready for a weekend off.  got dinner in the oven and just relaxing till it is ready. 
I just want to be sooo lazy and do nothing all weekend but still
have lots of stuff to unpack.  dreading it but can not put it off any longer.
also i  have to start getting everything together because josh turns 18 in 2 weeks and we have to go to court to legally become his guardins.  really we are his parents and we have to do this.  so i have to get all my ducks in a row .  that week is going to be so hectic and crazy.  that monday i have to take chelsea and peyton back to the ENT at Childrens to look at the thingy majig behind her ear.  Tues is Josh's 18th bday.
Weds who knows but so far work.  Thurs and Fri I have to take off for the colonoscopy so a really fun and exciting week.

Hope everyone has a great weekend

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Update from Monday

Well, I went to have my consult with the surgeon and he wants to do a colonoscopy first before any
other surgery so I have that July 15th.  What he did to me yesterday made me hurt all day and my
back is killing me today so I am really dreading that.
On the computer part, Its gone.  Chelsea or Josh has really destroyed it so either I take it to
the shop to see if it worth saving or go buy a new one next week.  She is not touching the new
one.  Who knows what really happened.
Now time to get ready for work.  Hot pads for my back all day.
Have a great day everyone