Friday, June 24, 2011

Back online again!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes yes and yes.  my laptop was saved.  THANK YOU SARAH AND ANDREW.  Now whenever Chelsea comes over, I am hiding it.  she put a really bad virus on it and I couldnt fix it but yeah yeah and double yeah I have it back. 
Its Friday and I am sooo happy for my 3 day weekend.  I worked the last three saturdays and so ready for a weekend off.  got dinner in the oven and just relaxing till it is ready. 
I just want to be sooo lazy and do nothing all weekend but still
have lots of stuff to unpack.  dreading it but can not put it off any longer.
also i  have to start getting everything together because josh turns 18 in 2 weeks and we have to go to court to legally become his guardins.  really we are his parents and we have to do this.  so i have to get all my ducks in a row .  that week is going to be so hectic and crazy.  that monday i have to take chelsea and peyton back to the ENT at Childrens to look at the thingy majig behind her ear.  Tues is Josh's 18th bday.
Weds who knows but so far work.  Thurs and Fri I have to take off for the colonoscopy so a really fun and exciting week.

Hope everyone has a great weekend

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Update from Monday

Well, I went to have my consult with the surgeon and he wants to do a colonoscopy first before any
other surgery so I have that July 15th.  What he did to me yesterday made me hurt all day and my
back is killing me today so I am really dreading that.
On the computer part, Its gone.  Chelsea or Josh has really destroyed it so either I take it to
the shop to see if it worth saving or go buy a new one next week.  She is not touching the new
one.  Who knows what really happened.
Now time to get ready for work.  Hot pads for my back all day.
Have a great day everyone

Monday, June 20, 2011

Computer Problems ARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

I dont know who to blame Chelsea or Josh.  Everytime Chelsea comes over I get a computer problem but Josh tried to get on the computer last night and Todd got him off and shut the computer down.  When I got up this morning, I have hard drive issues such as no hard drive.  Took several times to do a system restore and finally got it to work but lost all my documents and pics.  So the decision to make is new computer or take this one to see what I can do.   Oh well it is an old laptop and probably could use a new one but............

I go see the surgeon this am to discuss everything and see what I am going to have to have done.  Will update everyone when I find out what is what.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day Everyone!!!  This is my first blog and I am testing how to do this.  Ha ha ha. Hopfully I will get the hang of it.  We have just moved into our new house with some ups and downs.  Move in day I had to go to the emergency room and leave Todd to do all the moving.  Possible surgery in the future.  Meet with the surgeon tomorrow.  Hopefully the message to call them they left on the voice mail friday is not to reschedule it again. 
Today is Fathers day and we are going to use our brand new grill for the first time.  house warming gift from ourselves.  I made the potato salad.  Homemade is the only way to go.  cant stand the storebought stuff. 
Todds mom is bringing the brisket and i am making baked beans also.  About to go pick up Chelsea and Peyton to bring them over.  Really wish she would make up her mind what she is going to do with her life and get it

 josh has been holed up in his bedroom all day long.  went to Sam's with Todds mom yesterday and
he got 3 new barney movies and Toy Story.  we go through dvds like you dont know what.  He watches them, rewinding and fastforwarding them so much, he scratches them.  But thats part of Life With Autism. 

So Happy Fathers Day to everyone and hope it is a great day